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December 15, 2023 7 min read

Many people use the terms nice and kind interchangeably, assuming that being a nice person is synonymous with being kind. However, delving deeper reveals significant differences that impact the quality of connections we forge with others.

This article explores the difference between being nice and being kind, highlighting their distinctions and explaining why discerning between the two matters, particularly in personal relationships.

is there a difference between being nice and being a kind person?

At first glance, niceness may appear to be an admirable quality. It involves maintaining a polite and agreeable demeanor in social interactions. A good person often prioritizes avoiding conflict, being pleasant, and presenting a harmonious facade towards someone else. While niceness is outwardly affable, it often operates on the surface level of interactions.

The Surface Level Nature of Niceness

Niceness tends to focus on politeness and surface-level agreeability. It often involves refraining from expressing discomfort or disagreement, even when warranted. The primary aim of niceness is to maintain a pleasant atmosphere, often at the expense of open and authentic communication.1

What is Kindness?

Kindness, on the other hand, delves deeper into the realm of human interactions. It is a virtue that emanates from empathy and genuine care for others. Kindness involves actions stemming from a place of compassion, often seeking to improve someone else's well-being without expecting personal gain.

The Deep-Rooted Impact of Kindness

Kindness goes beyond superficial interactions; it seeks to create genuine and lasting connections with others. Kind people operate from a place of empathy and a desire to  make a positive difference in the life of someone else. Each act of compassion often results in a profound and meaningful impact.2

These two words have different qualities and ways to foster a good relationship.

What are the Key Differences Between Kindness and Niceness?

Understanding the differences between kindness and niceness is crucial for fostering authentic relationships. 

Let's explore the key differences between these two qualities in greater detail to understand their impact better.

Intentions vs. Actions

Niceness often stems from a desire to maintain personal comfort or  avoid confrontation. It may involve prioritizing one's own needs and preferences or avoidance of discomfort over the genuine well-being of others. Niceness can manifest as agreeableness at the moment, even if it means suppressing true feelings or opinions.1

Kindness, on the other hand, is rooted in the  intention to help someone improve their well-being. It arises from a place of empathy and compassion, where the primary goal is to make a positive difference in another person's life. Acts of kindness are driven by a genuine desire to help without expecting anything in return.3

Imagine you have a friend who asks for your opinion on a creative project they're passionate about. Nice guys might respond by offering vague praise to avoid hurting their feelings, even if you are thinking of giving constructive feedback. In contrast, a kind response would include providing honest words and constructive feedback to genuinely support their growth and improvement.

Depth of Connection

Niceness often results in surface-level interactions. While these interactions may be pleasant and conflict-free on the surface, they lack emotional depth and may fail to foster a deeper connection. Niceness can create a facade of agreeability that masks individuals' true thoughts, emotions, and desires.

Kindness goes beyond surface-level interactions to create genuine and meaningful connections. It operates on a foundation of empathy and understanding, allowing individuals to connect on a deeper emotional level. Acts of kindness often lead to authentic and lasting bonds between people.

One example would be a scenario where a colleague is going through a challenging time personally and professionally. A nice response might involve politeness and avoiding discussing the issue further. In contrast, a kind response would involve expressing genuine concern, offering a listening ear, and providing emotional support, thus deepening the connection.

Longevity of Impact

Niceness creates momentary pleasantness in interactions but often lacks a lasting impact. The surface-level nature of niceness means its effects may fade quickly, especially when individuals realize it conceals true intentions.

Kindness can create lasting and profound impacts on individuals and relationships. Acts of kindness can be remembered and cherished long after they occur, leaving a positive imprint on the hearts and minds of those who receive them.

Think about a time when someone showed genuine kindness during a difficult period. Those acts of kindness likely left a lasting impression, providing comfort and support during challenging times. Niceness alone may not have had the same enduring impact.

While niceness may serve as a social lubricant in certain situations, it is kindness that strengthens the bonds of trust, nurtures genuine connections, and leaves a positive and lasting impact on both individuals and the world.

Trust is built through kind acts.

How Trust is Built Through Kindness

The trust serves as the cornerstone of healthy and meaningful relationships.  Kindness plays an indispensable role in not only establishing trust but also nurturing and sustaining it over time. Here's a deeper exploration of how trust is cultivated through acts of kindness.4

Authenticity in Interactions

Kindness encourages authenticity in interactions. When you choose to be kind, you allow yourself to be vulnerable and open. This vulnerability fosters a profound sense of trust because people perceive your actions as sincere and stemming from the heart.

Authenticity in interactions means expressing your genuine thoughts and feelings, even if they include moments of vulnerability or admitting mistakes. In these moments, trust flourishes as others recognize the sincerity of your intentions and actions.

Consistency in Actions

Consistency in acts of kindness further reinforces trust. When individuals can rely on your consistent kindness, they feel secure in the relationship. They understand that your actions are not sporadic or conditional; instead, they are rooted in a genuine desire to improve their well-being.

Consistency in kindness can be observed in various ways, from small daily gestures of compassion to more significant acts of support. Over time, this reliability becomes a bedrock of trust, demonstrating your commitment to the well-being of others.

Vulnerability and Connection

Kindness often entails acts that require vulnerability, such as expressing empathy, offering emotional support, or admitting your own imperfections. These vulnerable moments are potent catalysts for strengthening the bonds of trust.

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable in your interactions communicates a level of honesty and authenticity that resonates deeply with others. It fosters an environment where individuals feel safe to reciprocate vulnerability, further solidifying their connection and trust.

Doing nice things does not always equate to trust.

Why Being Nice Doesn't Always Equate to Trust

While niceness undoubtedly has its place in social interactions and polite discourse, it does not automatically translate to trust in relationships. Let's explore the reasons behind this important distinction.

The Role of Perception

Niceness can sometimes be perceived as inauthentic. This perception arises when niceness involves concealing genuine feelings or opinions to maintain a veneer of pleasantness. People often possess a keen intuition for detecting when social expectations rather than genuine emotions drive niceness.5

In contrast, with its authenticity and sincerity, kindness tends to be perceived as genuine and trustworthy. Acts of kindness that emanate from a place of empathy and compassion are typically seen as authentic expressions of care and concern.

The Risk of Being Passive

Niceness can lead to passivity in relationships, particularly when individuals prioritize maintaining a facade of agreeability over addressing important issues or concerns. This passivity can create an environment where genuine communication and problem-solving are hindered, ultimately eroding trust over time.Learn about your own experience and align it with the way you connect with other people.

Kindness, on the other hand, encourages open and honest communication. It provides a platform for individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly, knowing that they will be met with empathy and understanding. This fosters trust in the relationship, creating space for resolving conflicts and addressing issues constructively.

How to Incorporate Kindness and Niceness in Life

Balancing kindness and niceness can lead to more authentic and meaningful interactions. Here's a guide on effectively incorporating both qualities into your life.

Situational Awareness

Be mindful of the context and the individuals involved in any given situation. Recognize that there are moments when niceness may be appropriate, such as in social gatherings or situations where conflict avoidance is the goal. However, there are also times when kindness should take precedence, particularly in personal relationships where trust and authenticity are paramount.

Situational awareness enables you to make informed choices about how to approach interactions, ensuring that your actions align with the needs of the moment and the values you hold dear.

Prioritizing Authentic Connections

Foster a commitment to nurturing authentic and genuine connections with others. Make kindness a cornerstone of your interactions, particularly when building trust in personal relationships.

Prioritizing authentic connections means prioritizing honesty, empathy, and vulnerability. It means choosing to be kind, even when it requires you to step out of your comfort zone. By placing a premium on authentic connections, you create a foundation where trust and meaningful relationships flourish.

Incorporating kindness and niceness into your life is not about choosing one over the other; it's about striking a harmonious balance that aligns with the specific circumstances and relationships you encounter. Ultimately, both qualities have their place, but it's kindness that often serves as the bedrock for forging and maintaining trust, leading to richer, more fulfilling connections with others.

Incorporating kindness and niceness into your life is not about choosing one over the other; it's about striking a balance.

Kindness vs Niceness: Conclusion

In personal relationships, kindness outweighs niceness for several reasons:

  1. Emotional Experience: Kindness is an emotional experience that resonates deeply with others. It allows individuals to feel understood, valued, and cared for in a way that niceness cannot replicate.

  2. Long-Term Fulfillment: While niceness may create momentary pleasantness, kindness leads to lasting, meaningful relationships that stand the test of time.

  3. Authentic Connections: Kindness enables individuals to form genuine connections based on trust, empathy, and mutual respect. These connections provide a solid foundation for nurturing deep and fulfilling relationships.

  4. Conflict Resolution: Kindness encourages open and honest communication, making it easier to address conflicts and find resolutions that benefit all parties involved.

In conclusion, while niceness has its place in social interactions and polite discourse, kindness should take precedence when building genuine and fulfilling personal relationships.

By embracing the important difference between the two and prioritizing acts of kindness, we create a world where trust, empathy, and authentic connections thrive, ultimately leading to a more emotionally fulfilling life.

Is it bad to be too nice?It's not inherently bad, but being excessively nice at the expense of your own needs can lead to burnout.

Can kindness be taught, or is it innate?Kindness can be both innate and nurtured through learning and practice.

How can I practice genuine kindness in my daily life?Practice genuine kindness by actively listening, empathizing, and performing small acts of kindness regularly.


(1) Lcsw, S. M. (2020, January 24). The Need to Please: The Psychology of People-Pleasing. Psych Central. https://psychcentral.com/blog/imperfect/2020/01/the-need-to-please-the-psychology-of-people-pleasing

(2) Otake K, Shimai S, Tanaka-Matsumi J, Otsui K, Fredrickson BL. HAPPY PEOPLE BECOME HAPPIER THROUGH KINDNESS: A COUNTING KINDNESSES INTERVENTION. J Happiness Stud. 2006 Sep;7(3):361-375. doi: 10.1007/s10902-005-3650-z. PMID: 17356687; PMCID: PMC1820947.

(3) Hake AB, Post SG. Kindness: Definitions and a pilot study for the development of a kindness scale in healthcare. PLoS One. 2023 Jul 19;18(7):e0288766. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0288766. PMID: 37467230; PMCID: PMC10355430.

(4) Kuktelionis, C., Kuktelionis, C., & Kuktelionis, C. (2019, April 11). Build Trust with Intentional Kindness. Studer Education - Organizational Excellence. https://www.studereducation.com/build-trust-with-intentional-kindness/

(5) Ngoc, N. N., Tuan, N. P., & Takahashi, Y. (2020). A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Manipulation. SAGE Open, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244020971615
