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November 17, 2023 12 min read

Gratitude isn’t merely a fleeting emotion; it's a state that, when actively nurtured, transforms into a perpetual attitude of gratitude, illuminating our lives, and the lives around us, with its enriching light.

Gratitude exercises can boost happiness.

The Science Behind Gratitude and Happiness

The intertwining roots of gratitude and happiness delve deep, with research consistently illuminating the myriad ways practicing gratitude, be it through a gratitude journal or simply pausing to relish everyday moments, enhances our psychological and physical health.

When nurtured, gratitude is not just a fleeting emotion but blooms into a consistent, enriching mindset.

32 Activities to Express Gratitude and Improve Your Mood

1: Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Maintaining a gratitude journal goes beyond simply penning down thankful notes. It can be a profoundly therapeutic act, forming a bedrock for our practice of gratitude.

We create a treasure trove of positivity by engaging in daily reflections, encapsulating both momentous and seemingly inconsequential instances of gratefulness.

This activity allows us to redirect our focus from the overwhelming tumult of life to the abundance that cradles us in every moment, echoing the principle of positive psychology.1

2: Gratitude Jar

The simplicity of a gratitude jar, where tiny pieces of paper bearing whispers of thankfulness are stored, belies its profound impact. Each note, whether expressing appreciation for a significant event or a small act of kindness from a family member, becomes a reminder of the positivity that permeates our lives.

This is more than a gratitude activity; it’s a visual, tangible embodiment of all the good that envelops us, enabling us to physically see the accumulation of positive aspects in our lives, providing a counterbalance to negativity and a genuine path to a more grateful heart.2

Write letters and start a gratitude paper chain.

3: Gratitude Letters

The age-old practice of writing thank you notes has been proven to be a great way to uplift our spirits and strengthen our emotional well-being.

One study shows participants who write things expressing their gratitude reported consistent increases in their happiness and life satisfaction.3

So, pick up your pen and dedicate a few heartfelt words to someone special, expressing your thankfulness.

4: Gratitude Walks

Incorporate gratitude walks into your routine to elevate your physical and mental state. Walking has been shown to enhance mental health, and when combined with an active practice of gratitude, this benefit is amplified.4

Engage all your senses as you immerse in the present moment during your walks, appreciating the gentle rustle of the leaves, the soft whisper of the breeze, and the vibrant tapestry of your surroundings.

This not only grounds you in the immediate environment but also kindles an inner flame of appreciation for the simple joys life has to offer.

5: Gratitude Art

Gratitude art acts as a vibrant medium through which your thankful thoughts can flow, creating a masterpiece that's a visual representation of your appreciation. Activities like creating a gratitude collage or painting, for example, leverage your creativity to express thankfulness.

Engaging in art activities has been linked to improved mental health, and when intertwined with gratitude, it can act as a holistic approach to enhancing your well-being.5

Meditation can get you started to develop regular gratitude practice.

6: Meditate on Gratitude

Encasing gratitude within the serene envelope of meditation creates a powerful practice that enhances emotional and physical health. Mindfulness and gratitude meditation involve directing focused attention on aspects or moments that spark gratefulness.

Research reveals that individuals engaged in gratitude journaling and mindfulness meditation showed marked improvements in mental well-being and cardiovascular health.6

Allowing yourself to become submerged in moments of thankfulness during meditation deepens your sense of gratitude and paves the way for a tranquil mind and heart.

7: Spend time with loved ones

Investing time and presence with loved ones is an intrinsically rewarding gratitude activity that nourishes our emotional well-being. A study shows the essential role that quality relationships play in our happiness and life satisfaction.7

We acknowledge and appreciate their invaluable role in our lives by consciously being with family members or friends, sharing experiences, and expressing gratitude verbally. It also enables us to remain grounded and appreciate the everyday moments that weave the rich tapestry of our relationships.

8: Do a random act of kindness

Engaging in acts of kindness has a beautiful dual impact: it enhances the well-being of the receiver and amplifies the sense of gratitude and satisfaction in the giver.

The act of helping others without expecting anything in return has been linked to increased feelings of happiness.8 From paying for someone else’s coffee to sending gratitude surprise sticky notes, these acts sow seeds of positivity that bloom into a more joyful, grateful mindset for everyone involved.

9: Create a gratitude collage

Crafting a gratitude collage is a great way to visually express appreciation for the big and small blessings that punctuate our lives. This involves cutting out images or words that resonate with you from magazines or printing them and arranging them into a collage.

Research has found that humans feel a positive impact from creative activities, like making a collage, on our emotional well-being.9 This gratitude activity serves as a vibrant reminder of the positives and a fun, therapeutic exercise.

Saying thank you cultivates positive thinking and starts a gratitude chain with your social group.

10: Say thank you

The simple act of saying “thank you” and sending thank-you notes can create ripples of positivity and deepen our interpersonal connections.10

The practice of vocalizing appreciation, whether through a written note or a verbal expression, not only bolsters our own attitude of gratitude but also enhances the quality of our relationships and interactions.

11: Gratitude Reminders

Incorporating gratitude reminders in our daily routine nudges us towards maintaining a consistent gratitude practice. These can be in the form of setting alarms as gratitude moments, placing gratitude stones in visible areas, or using apps that provide gratitude prompts on something you’re thankful for each day.

Establishing these cues ensures that gratitude seamlessly weaves into our everyday lives, enhancing mindfulness and appreciation for the present moment, subsequently elevating our mood and overall outlook on life.

12: Thankful Thursdays

Designating a day of the week, like "Thankful Thursdays," for collective expressions of gratitude can set a heartwarming tradition.

Involve your colleagues or family members by encouraging them to share something they're thankful for. This creates a potent communal energy that lifts spirits and reinforces the practice of recognizing and verbalizing grateful feelings.11

13: Gratitude Dinner Game

Implementing a Gratitude Dinner Game can turn ordinary meals into meaningful gatherings. The process involves each participant sharing something they are thankful for before starting the meal.

Expressing gratitude in social settings enhances both individual and group well-being. This fun activity also becomes an avenue through which gratitude becomes intertwined with communal activities, uplifting the collective mood and strengthening bonds.12

Have a gratitude break every day and night.

14: Bedtime Thanks

Incorporating bedtime thanks into your nighttime routine is a serene way to conclude the day on a positive note. Engaging in reflective practices before sleep can foster better sleep quality.13

Before closing your eyes, acknowledge something you're thankful for from the day. This simple gratitude activity nurtures a peaceful mindset, boosting positive emotions and inviting restful sleep.

15: Morning Gratitude Ritual

Starting your day with a morning gratitude ritual sets a positive tone for the following hours. Individuals who regularly engage in gratitude practices are found to demonstrate heightened well-being and a more optimistic outlook.14

Spend a few moments each morning jotting down or mentally acknowledging something you are grateful for, subtly altering the lens through which you perceive the day's events.

16: Gratitude Stone

Utilizing a gratitude stone as a tangible reminder to pause and reflect can be a powerful and grounding activity. Carrying a small pebble or a piece of smooth glass in your pocket serves as a physical prompt to recall something you’re grateful for whenever you touch it.

The field of positive psychology indicates that tangible reminders or physical tokens can effectively serve to reinforce positive habits and mindset. This simple yet profound activity acts as a gentle nudge towards continual mindful appreciation throughout the day.15 

17: Gratitude Alarm

Setting a daily gratitude alarm is a subtle yet effective method to integrate thankfulness into your routine. This involves selecting a specific time each day when an alarm will remind you to pause and acknowledge something you're grateful for.

The intentionality behind this activity aligns with findings that conscious, regular reflection on positive aspects enhances overall well-being and satisfaction.

18: Gratitude Tree

Creating a gratitude tree, where each leaf represents something you’re thankful for, offers a visual and participative way to express gratitude. This can also be an engaging gratitude activity for kids, enabling them to comprehend and practice gratitude in a fun, tangible manner.

Visualization of positive elements in one’s life can, in turn, bolster psychological health and foster a more optimistic outlook.

19: Monthly Gratitude Reflection

Embarking on a monthly reflection involves dedicating a moment each month to look back and note the blessings you encountered.

This gratitude project is not merely a personal recounting but also a mindful exercise that has been found to elevate levels of happiness and reduce depressive symptoms by diverting focus toward positive experiences.

Express gratitude by sharing your positive moments with a friend or the whole family.

20: Share with a Friend

Opting to share with a friend—whether it be your grateful moments or engaging in gratitude activities together—can amplify the benefits experienced.

Engaging in gratitude practices with someone else enables both individuals to motivate and validate each other's experiences, promoting an upliftment in mood and fortifying social bonds.16

21: Gratitude Calendar

Implementing a gratitude calendar, where each day prompts you to note down something you’re thankful for, is an efficient way to weave an attitude of gratitude into your daily life.

Consistency in recognizing and jotting down appreciative thoughts propels a gradual shift towards a more positively tuned mindset, with lasting impacts on emotional and social well-being.

22: Gratitude Challenges

Participating in gratitude challenges, such as dedicating a month to daily expressions of thankfulness, can be both invigorating and transformative.

Challenges motivate continual practice and foster a community spirit when done collectively. Additionally, sustained focus on positive aspects through such challenges can carve a path toward improved mental, emotional, and interpersonal wellness.

23: Watch Gratitude Videos

Indulging in gratitude videos can be a visually stimulating and emotionally moving way to explore thankfulness. Observing instances where others express or experience gratitude can provoke our own feelings of appreciation and promote a positive emotional state.

Creating scrapbooks with gratitude drawing prompts can improve your mood and boost happiness.

24: Create a Gratitude Scrapbook

Building a gratitude scrapbook encompasses collecting memories, moments, and tokens of appreciation in a physical form.

Engaging in creative activities, like crafting a scrapbook, offers the dual benefit of expressing gratitude while harnessing creativity, which has been linked to improved mood and a positive outlook.

25: Thankful Conversations

Initiating thankful conversations—dialogues centered around expressions of thanks and appreciation—can enhance interpersonal relationships and foster a supportive social environment.16

It's not just a mere exchange of kind words but a deep, meaningful communication that reinforces bonds and mutually elevates feelings of appreciation and positivity.

26: Gratitude Visit

Conducting a gratitude visit, wherein you meet someone specifically to express your thanks, can be a profoundly impactful gratitude activity.

The act of expressing gratitude face-to-face is potent and capable of surging feelings of happiness and social connection while potentially reducing negative emotions and enhancing overall life satisfaction.15

27: Donate in Gratitude

Choosing to donate in gratitude by giving back to a cause or organization as a token of your appreciation encompasses expressing thankfulness in a socially impactful manner.

This altruistic expression of gratitude amplifies your sense of well-being and contributes positively to the wider community. Such acts of kindness and giving back have been significantly linked to enhanced mental well-being, providing a win-win for both the giver and receiver.

28: Gratitude Crafts

Engaging in gratitude crafts opens a world of explorative self-expression while creating tangible reminders of thankfulness.

Craft activities like making a "gratitude garland" or a "gratitude chain" with strips of paper can be a fun and visual way to express and recall what we’re thankful for. Crafting not only stimulates creativity but is also a reflective practice that enhances mindfulness and positively influences emotional well-being.

29: Gratitude Playlist

Crafting a gratitude playlist with tunes that evoke thankfulness, appreciation, and positive reminiscence can be uplifting. Music has a profound impact on our emotions and moods.

A playlist that resonates with thankful emotions can serve as a daily reminder of the elements of life that spark gratitude, fostering a continual appreciation and positive mindset.

30: Practice Mindful Appreciation

Practicing mindful appreciation is about consciously taking moments within your day to genuinely experience gratitude for the immediate environment and ongoing experiences.

Mindfulness, intertwined with gratitude, heightens an awareness that steers focus towards appreciating the present moment and has been demonstrated to significantly uplift mood and overall psychological well-being.

Fun gratitude activities can teach kids to write words of thanks and encourage positivity in their daily lives.

31: Teach Gratitude Activities For Kids

Introducing the habit of expressing gratitude in children sets a foundation for positive psychology and emotional resilience. Utilizing fun gratitude activities for kids, such as creating a "thankful tree" where children write what they are thankful for on leaves (made from a piece of paper) or engaging in a gratitude scavenger hunt, can be a fun way to teach kids gratitude and its impact on daily living.

Early establishment of such practices is crucial for fostering an attitude of gratitude and correlates with positive outcomes in mental and social dimensions in later stages of life.

32: Attend Gratitude Workshops or Seminars

Participating in or organizing gratitude workshops or seminars can cultivate a communal environment where shared experiences and expressions of gratitude are celebrated.

Such workshops often introduce varied gratitude exercises and activities that facilitate a deeper understanding and integration of gratitude practices into daily living. Sharing gratitude experiences within a group setting has the potential to amplify feelings of connectedness and communal support.

Tips to Make Gratitude Activities a Habit

  • Pick One to Begin:Select a gratitude activity that resonates with you and weave it gently into your days.

  • Involve Loved Ones:Encourage family members and friends to join you, crafting a supportive, gratitude-infused environment.

  • Gratitude Reminders:Scatter little nudges, like gratitude surprise sticky notes or alarms, to pause and embrace a moment of thankfulness.

Other Ways to Practice Gratitude

Venture beyond, exploring myriad expressions of appreciation such as crafting gratitude stones, immersing in gratitude meditation, or simply whispering a silent ‘thank you’ to the universe.

Sharing the Joy – How to Encourage Gratitude in the Community

Inspire gratitude within your community through activities like hosting a gratitude workshop, initiating a gratitude project, or simply being a beacon of appreciative presence in the lives of those around you.

Embracing and expressing gratitude, whether through handwritten thank you notes or silently cherishing a moment of beauty, isn’t merely an activity.

It is a gentle, potent journey towards a life where each day is cradled in appreciation, each moment kissed by thankfulness.

Through these gratitude activities, may your heart and those around you dance in the warm, gentle embrace of continual appreciation, illuminating even the simplest of moments with the soft, golden glow of gratitude.

What is the purpose of gratitude activities? Gratitude activities aim to enhance well-being and positivity by helping individuals consistently recognize and express appreciation for the good in their lives.

Why is gratitude an important skill? Gratitude is vital as it fosters a positive mindset, strengthens relationships, and has been scientifically linked to numerous psychological and physical health benefits.

How can I be grateful every day? Cultivate daily gratitude by engaging in simple practices like keeping a gratitude journal, mindfully appreciating small joys, and expressing thanks to others.

Is gratitude key to success? Yes, gratitude can be a key to success by boosting positivity, enhancing relationships, and fostering a resilient and constructive attitude towards challenges and opportunities.

(1) Seligman, M. E., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. American psychologist, 60(5), 410. https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.60.5.410

(2) Watkins, P. C., Woodward, K., Stone, T., & Kolts, R. L. (2003). Gratitude and happiness: Development of a measure of gratitude and relationships with subjective well-being. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 31(5), 431-451. https://doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2003.31.5.431

(3) Toepfer, S. M., Cichy, K., & Peters, P. (2012). Letters of Gratitude: Further Evidence for Author Benefits. Journal of Happiness Studies, 13(1), 187–201. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-011-9257-7

(4) Mental Health Foundation. (2020). Walking. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/w/walking

(5) Stuckey, H. L., & Nobel, J. (2010). The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature. American Journal of Public Health, 100(2), 254–263. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2008.156497

(6) May, R. W., Bamber, M., Seibert, G. S., Sanchez-Gonzalez, M. A., Leonard, J. T., Salsbury, R. A., & Fincham, F. D. (2016). Understanding the Physiology of Mindfulness: Aortic Hemodynamics and Heart Rate Variability. Stress, 19(2), 168–174. https://doi.org/10.1080/10253890.2016.1146669

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(8) Lyubomirsky, S., & Layous, K. (2013). How Do Simple Positive Activities Increase Well-Being? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(1), 57–62. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963721412469809

(9) Conner, T. S., DeYoung, C. G., & Silvia, P. J. (2018). Everyday Creative Activity as a Path to Flourishing. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(2), 181–189. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2016.1257049

(10) Kumar, A., & Epley, N. (2018). Undervaluing Gratitude: Expressers Misunderstand the Consequences of Showing Appreciation. Psychological Science, 29(9), 1423–1435. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797618772506

(11) Emmons, R.A., & McCullough, M.E. (2003). Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377–389. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.84.2.377

(12) Lambert, N.M., Clark, M.S., Durtschi, J., Fincham, F.D., & Graham, S.M. (2010). Benefits of Expressing Gratitude: Expressing Gratitude to a Partner Changes One's View of the Relationship. Psychological Science, 21(4), 574–580. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797610364003

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(14) Layous, K., Lee, H., Choi, I., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2013). Culture Matters When Designing a Successful Happiness-Increasing Activity: A Comparison of the United States and South Korea. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44(8), 1294–1303. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022113487591

(15) Sheldon, K.M., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2006). How to Increase and Sustain Positive Emotion: The Effects of Expressing Gratitude and Visualizing Best Possible Selves. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1(2), 73–82. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760500510676

(16) Algoe SB, Stanton AL. Gratitude when it is needed most: social functions of gratitude in women with metastatic breast cancer. Emotion. 2012 Feb;12(1):163-8. doi: 10.1037/a0024024. Epub 2011 Jun 27. PMID: 21707160. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21707160/
