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November 30, 2023 10 min read

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural and often healthy emotion that arises in response to stress or perceived threats. It can manifest as unease, worry, or apprehension about a future event or situation. While anxiety is a normal part of life, it can become problematic when it occurs frequently, becomes overwhelming, or is disproportionate to the actual threat.

It is important to note that occasional  anxiety is a normal part of life and can be helpful in certain situations, such as preparing for a job interview or avoiding dangerous situations. However, when it becomes chronic, excessive, or irrational, it can interfere with daily functioning and reduce the quality of life.1

Here are 17 Easy Lifestyle Changes to Consider for Anxiety and Stress Relief.

What is Stress?

Stress is the body's natural response to changes, demands, or challenges, whether positive or negative. It arises when we perceive a discrepancy between the orders placed on us and our ability to cope with those demands. The body's stress response involves a range of physical, mental, and emotional reactions that help us adapt to the situation. There are two main types:2

  • Acute Stress: It arises in response to specific situations or events. This can be beneficial, as it helps us respond to immediate threats, meet deadlines, or achieve goals. However, too much in a short period can be overwhelming.

  • Chronic Stress: It persists over an extended period and is often the result of ongoing demands, pressures, or challenges in various areas of life, such as work, relationships, or health. This can hurt physical, mental, and emotional health.

Positive stress can motivate us to take action, achieve goals, and overcome challenges. However, excessive or prolonged stress can negatively affect our health and well-being.3

Understanding its sources and developing healthy coping strategies can help us manage stress more effectively and enhance our overall quality of life.

How Anxiety and Stress Impact Your Health

Anxiety and stress can negatively affect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.4

  • Physical Health: Chronic stress weakens the immune system, causing increased susceptibility to illness, and can also lead to digestive issues, cardiovascular problems, weight gain, and sleep disruptions.
  • Mental Health: Stress and anxiety impair cognitive functions such as concentration, decision-making, and memory and may contribute to or exacerbate mental health conditions like depression and bipolar disorder.
  • Emotional Health: Irritability, emotional exhaustion, and social withdrawal are common emotional responses to prolonged stress and anxiety. Addressing these concerns is vital for overall well-being.

Recognizing and addressing the signs of excessive stress and anxiety is vital for maintaining overall well-being. Prioritizing self-care, cultivating a positive mindset, and practicing mindfulness are key strategies for managing these feelings.

17 Ways To Relieve Stress and Anxiety Naturally?

Lifestyle Changes for Anxiety and Stress Relief

Schedule regular downtime and give yourself a break.
  1. Schedule Regular Downtime

    Taking time to rest and recharge is essential. Carve out moments in your day for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, like reading, gardening, or taking a bath.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

    Quality sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night. Create a rest-friendly environment with a comfortable bed, dark curtains, and a cool room temperature to improve sleep.

  2. Eat a Balanced and Healthy Diet

    Nutritious food can help manage stress and improve your mood. Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit processed foods and added sugars, and refrain from drinking too much caffeine.

  3. Exercise & Physical Activity

    Engage in regular physical activity.

    Regular physical activity offers numerous benefits for both your body and mind. Following an exercise routine releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. It also helps you get enough sleep, reduces stress, and boosts self-esteem.

    You don't have to engage in intense workouts – even a short daily walk can significantly affect your overall well-being.

  4. Go for a Walk

    Taking a walk in your everyday life, especially in green spaces, can provide numerous benefits. It gives you a break from potentially stressful environments, helps clear your mind, and allows you to reconnect with your surroundings.

    Walking is an excellent way to reflect and gain a fresh perspective. Consider incorporating short walks into your daily routine as a natural remedy to reduce stress.

Try Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

  1. Aromatherapy

    Aromatherapy involves usingessential oils to stimulate your senses and induce relaxation.5 Scents like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus can have a calming effect. By diffusing these oils or incorporating them into your personal care routine, you can create a serene environment that helps reduce feeling stressed and feeling overwhelmed.

  2. Listen to Music

    Music has a powerful impact on our moods and emotions. Listening to your favorite tunes or calming melodies can be a simple yet effective way to relieve stress and elevate your spirits. Whether it's classical, jazz, or your favorite pop song, playing music can soothe and uplift.6

  3. Deep Breathing and Meditation

    Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful technique to promote relaxation.

    Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful technique to  promote relaxation. With regular practice, deep breathing and meditation can become effective tools for increasing focus and promoting a sense of calm and well-being.7

  4. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a relaxation technique that helpsreduce physical tension and feelings of anxiety.It involves intentionally tensing and relaxing specific muscle groups. To practice PMR, find a quiet space, take a few deep breaths, and start by tightening the muscles in your feet for a few seconds, then release.

    Gradually work your way up your body, tensing and relaxing each muscle group. With practice, PMR can help you counteract physical signs of stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and well-being.

  5. Guided Imagery

    Guided imagery is a relaxation technique that uses mental visualization to create a calm and peaceful state of mind. By imagining a serene and relaxing environment, you canevoke positive emotions, reduce stress, and promote a sense of well-being. (7)

    This technique is based on the principle that the mind and body are connected, so creating a relaxing mental image can positively affect your body.

Cultivate a Positive Mindset

  1. Practice Gratitude

    Gratitude can shift your focus from what's lacking or negative to what's abundant and positive in your life. Keep a gratitude journal, listing three things you're thankful for each day.

  2. Challenge Negative Thoughts

    Identify and question negative thought patterns. Replace them with more balanced or positive thoughts. Challenging negative thoughts can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Foster Connections

  1. Talk to Someone

    Foster comections and open up about your feelings and emotions.

    Opening up about your feelings and emotions can tremendously impact your mental and emotional well-being. When you share your thoughts and concerns with a trusted friend, family member, or even a therapist, you're allowing yourself to process your emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

  2. Spend Time with Loved Ones

    Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Spend time with loved ones, engage in meaningful conversations, and enjoy shared activities. Social support is an essential component of emotional well-being, as it not only helps reduce the effects of stress but also strengthens your ability to cope with life's challenges.

Engage in Activities You Enjoy

  1. Hobbies

    Engage in hobbies or activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it's painting, gardening, or cooking, hobbies can provide a break from stress and increase your happiness. It is best to avoid unhealthy habits to help with your overall health.

  2. Laughter

    Laughter can reduce stress hormones and trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Watch a funny movie, share a joke, or enjoy a good laugh.

Use Natural Supplements

  1. Incorporating natural dietary supplements into your daily routine can be a helpful addition to other stress-relief practices. These supplements, derived from plants and herbs, can support your body's ability to promote a sense of calm. Some popular natural supplements for stress and anxiety relief include:

Remember, seeking support and exploring various options to find what works best for you is okay. Prioritizing your mental well-being is essential to leading a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Incorporating natural dietary supplements into your daily routine can be a helpful addition to other stress-relief practices.

Mental Health: When to Seek Professional Help?

Taking care of your mental health is essential for your overall well-being. While the natural methods mentioned above can help manage stress and anxiety, there are times when it's important to seek professional help.

If you find yourself struggling with persistent feelings of anxiety, stress, or other emotions that are affecting your daily life, it may be time to ask for help.

If you find yourself struggling with persistent feelings of anxiety, stress, or other emotions that are affecting your daily life, it may be time to consult a professional.

Other signs that you may benefit from professional support include experiencing frequent mood swings, feeling overwhelmed or hopeless, withdrawing from friends and family, or engaging in self-harming behaviors.

Seeking help is crucial in prioritizing your mental health and finding the support you need to manage your emotions effectively.

Therapy Options for Anxiety and Stress Relief

Various therapeutic approaches can help you manage anxiety and stress levels more effectively. Some of the most common therapy options include:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely used approach that focuses on identifying and challenging unhelpful thought patterns, helping you develop healthier coping strategies.15

  2. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): MBSR incorporates mindfulness practices to help you become more present and aware, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

  3. Talk Therapy: This involves discussing your feelings and concerns with a therapist who can offer support, guidance, and new perspectives.

  4. Relaxation Techniques: Therapists may teach you various relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery, to help you manage stress and anxiety.

  5. Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help manage anxiety or stress, especially if it's impacting your daily functioning.

Working with a professional to determine the most appropriate therapy options for your specific needs and preferences is essential.


Anxiety and stress are natural parts of life, but they don't have to define your experience. By prioritizing self-care, engaging your senses, staying active, and practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques, you can reduce the impact of stress and anxiety on your life.

Remember that seeking professional help when needed is a crucial step in prioritizing your mental health. Taking a holistic approach to managing stress and anxiety can help you lead a more balanced, fulfilling, and joyful life.

What triggers the feeling of anxiety? Anxiety can be triggered by various factors, including stress, emotional or physical trauma, certain medications, or underlying health conditions. Personal or work-related challenges, as well as significant life changes, can also contribute to anxiety.

What is the best stress reliever? The best stress reliever varies for each individual, but common methods include deep breathing, exercising, engaging in hobbies, spending time with loved ones, practicing mindfulness, or talking to a therapist.

Can lack of sleep cause feelings of anxiety? Yes, lack of sleep can contribute to feelings of anxiety. Sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, and chronic sleep deprivation can increase the risk of anxiety and other mood disorders.

What is the best way to relax? The best way to relax depends on personal preferences. Some popular relaxation techniques include meditation, deep breathing, listening to music, taking a warm bath, reading a book, or spending time in nature.


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